Sign ups for the 2024 Somers Spring Family Retreat are now closed. We look forward to seeing many of you in Petit Jean April 26-28th. Contact Jonathan Penrod if you have any questions.


Wednesday Night Meal was postponed last week, but we will retry again this Wednesday! The menu is still taco salad. The cost is $5 per person or $10 per family. Guests are free! The meal is served from 5:30-6:30pm. Please RSVP on the Facebook Family Exchange page so that we can have an accurate food count. 


Ladies Chat will be next Friday, April 26th, from 10-noon in the Fellowship Room.


Southern Christian Children’s Home in Morrilton, AR will have their annual homecoming on Saturday, May 4th. Registration begins at 9:30am, with the program at 10am, and BBQ lunch served at 11:30am. A flier is posted on the bulletin board outside the church office.


Muffins for Moms and Mentors: It’s almost Mother’s Day and here at Somers we want to show our appreciation for our moms and mentors with a special grab-and-go breakfast on Sunday, May 12th. Moms can swing by the refreshments table set out in the AC to grab a muffin and some coffee before bible class. Thank you for all you do! (Note: refreshments are for the adults, not kids. Sorry.)



Janet Akins requests continued prayers for her parents, Orin and Ima Jean Robinson. Orin and Ima Jean are now both at Premier Health and Rehab. They will continue in long term care there after rehab. Cards and visits are appreciated. 

Tressa Ashberry’s dad, Jack Cole, had a successful double bypass surgery last Wednesday, April 17th. 


Clift Chaffin’s cousin’s baby, Lucy, had a successful heart surgery and finally got to go home from the hospital this week! Clift and Ashlyn thank everyone for your prayers. 


Gary Lewis has been diagnosed with stage 1 prostate cancer. He will go back to the doctor on May 1st.


Pam Lewis has been diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. She had outpatient surgery on April 18th. This new diagnosis requires her to stop her MS medication at this time.


Melissa Milner had successful heart surgery on Monday, April 15th at Baptist in Little Rock.   She will remain in the hospital for several days.


Ron Reed has Covid.


Jamie Thornton requests continued prayers for her mother, Becky Colvin, who is at Jamie's home recovering from several medical issues.


Chris and Stasia Vanwinkle request prayers for Chris’s dad, David, who will be having heart surgery soon.


Our deepest sympathy to Charles Voyles in the passing of Treva Saturday morning. There will be a graveside service on Tuesday, April 23rd at 1:30pm at Union Cemetery in Independence County. Please keep Charles and the family in your prayers.

Please continue to be in prayer for those with continued health problems including: Gail Jenkins, Joel Gray, Marie Haggard, Sue Simmons, Charles & Treva Voyles. 



Men's Golf Retreat is May 4th.

Mother's Day is May 12th.



Sunday Morning Average Attendance for March 2024: 154 people

YTD Contribution: $137,095.87

YTD Budget for 2024: $115,985.00